The wind takes the birdsongs
My street has not so few trees
The plague has spread everywhere
And people silence the road noise lately
They hide in their homes
When there is almost no smell of cars
In some streets
You can smell the perfume
Of the trees and their flowers
When passing through a small square
Even being in the center of my town
The city approaches the countryside
Some entrepreneurs claim
That no one will die
Except old and sick people
For them and for the president of my country
These lives don't matter
And other Nazis preached it
Beneficial to eliminate them
In my youth
I flipped through Antonin Artaud
And I heard him preach in the writings
That a disease had to come
For new Middle Ages
So we would be absolved
Of our purest mistakes
But we already lived in dark times
I do not know
I do not know if we will get out of this better
But these streets are better
Except at night when the police don't act
And some headless people go out to
Get together in agglomerations
And parties in houses and apartments
Contrary to one of the wisest laws
Ever decreed
The virus also moves in the air
And on the hands and feet of the infected
In global news statistics
It gallops with death in sharp turn
Since the beginning of the isolation
I don't know what it is like to write a poem
Right now that the world needs
Many words
Nice words if possible
To chase away sadness and hunger
Perhaps the new sounds and smells
In the urban jungle where they never stopped
And the new nest of the great kiskadee
On a thin branch of a tree in my yard
Bring me a new breath
And new lines may come out of my breath
Since I have moved into this house I have been
Watching the birds and seen
That some years ago
Those were gone
Now I see the yellow breast of one
On the flight under a high frond
Maybe because the pollutions are gone
Many birds are coming back
We are the ones who pass
I look at my veins in my arms
And I know better than I ever knew
Only their beauty does not pass
Why the rush to return
To our frantic pace
Of robots on an assembly line
If we can stop and observe
This ancient news
And if the governments of the world can
Feed us until the storm passes
Translation Gentil Saraiva Jr.
O vento leva o canto dos pássaros
Minha rua não tem tão poucas árvores
A peste se espalhou por toda a parte
E tardiamente as pessoas silenciam o ruído das vias
Se escondem nas suas residências
Quando não há quase o cheiro dos carros
Em algumas ruas
É possível sentir o perfume
Das árvores e de suas flores
Ao passar por uma praça pequeninha
Mesmo sendo no centro da minha city
A cidade se aproxima do campo
Alguns empresários afirmam
Que não vai morrer ninguém
Senão velhinhos e doentes
Para eles e para o presidente do meu país
Essas vidas não importam
E outros nazistas pregavam
Até ser benéfico eliminá-las
Na minha juventude
Folheei Antonin Artaud
E o ouvi apregoar nos escritos
Que era preciso vir uma doença
Para uma nova Idade Média
Assim estaríamos absolvidos
Dos nossos erros mais puros
Mas já vivíamos em tempos obscuros
Não sei
Não sei se sairemos dessa melhores
Mas estão melhor estas ruas
A não ser à noite quando a polícia não age
E alguns descabeçados saem para
Se reunir em aglomerações
E festas nas casas e apartamentos
Contrariando uma das leis
Mais sensatas que já decretaram
O vírus também se move no ar
E nas mãos e nos pés dos infectados
Nas estatísticas dos noticiários globais
Ele galopa com a morte em curva acentuada
Desde o início do isolamento
Não sei o que é redigir um poema
Logo agora que o mundo precisa
De muitas palavras
Se possíveis agradáveis
Para espantar a tristeza e a fome
Talvez os novos sons e odores
Na selva urbana que nunca paravam
E o novo ninho de bem-te-vi
Em um ramo fino de uma árvore no meu pátio
Me tragam um novo alento
E novas falas possam sair do meu hálito
Desde que vivo nesta casa fui
Observando as aves e vi
Que há alguns anos haviam
Desaparecido estas
Que agora vejo de uma o peito amarelo
No voo sob uma fronde alta
Talvez porque idas as poluições
Estão voltando muitos pássaros
Somos os que passam
Olho minhas veias nos braços
E sei melhor do que jamais soube
Somente a beleza deles não passa
Por que a pressa para voltar
Ao nosso ritmo frenético
De robôs numa linha de montagem
Se podemos nos deter a observar
Estas antiquíssimas novidades
E se os governos do mundo podem
Nos alimentar até que a tempestade passe
29 03 2020

Gentil Saraiva Jr. (born in Espinosa, MG, Brazil, 1968) is teacher, translator, writer, poet, reviewer and editor. Holds a Degree in Bachelor in arts at Institute of Letters/UFRGS (1992), a Master's degree in Literary Translation at the Graduate Program in Letters/UFRGS in 1996 and a Phd in Literary Translation at the Post-Graduate course at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (2008), with emphasis on the following topic: Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass and Literary Translation, and Teaching of Language and Literature in the English Language. He is the author of the books of poems "Semente de estrelas" (2004) and "Canto do amor em si" (2005). Author of grammars and glossaries, as well as a treatise on versification in Portuguese, among other books. He translated, among others, "Leaves of grass" (Walt Whitman), "Transfiguration of classical poems from Zen Buddhism" (Daisetu Teitaro Suzuki), "Chamber Music" (James Joyce), and "Rubayat" (Omar Khayyam).

Adrian'dos Delima (born in Canoas, RS, Brazil, 1970), better known by his stage name Adriano do Carmo Flores de Lima, is a poet, translator, poetry theorist, composer, reviwer, capist, and diagrammator. He attended letters, translation habilitation at UFRGS, where he did not graduate due to economic difficulties. In the 1990s he published poems in printed anthologies and photocopied fanzines which he edited with friends, as well as editing and publishing in the newspaper “Falares” of UFRGS students of letters. Following his studies as autodidata, he later published in paper magazines and online, such as I am not a silent poet, The curly mind - linguistically innovative poetry, Germina, Babel Poética, Gente de Palavra, InComunidade, Sibila, Mallarmargens, Diversos Afins, Subversa, and others. He publishes, without much regularity, literary theory, translations and poems of his own on his Rim&via Page ( and on Facebook Adrian 'dos Delima. He is the author of the books of poems “Consubstantdjectivos ComUns" (Vidráguas and Gente de Palavra, 2015)” , “Flâmula e outros poemas (Gente de Palavra, 2015)” and “O aqui fora olholhante (Vidráguas, 2017)”. He produced a book of translated poems of Joan Brossa by the editorial Gueto.
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